Casa Reilkoff Schraefel

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday mid-day, preparing for new storm

A breeze has just come up-though its still very hot. It was so calm and hot this morning, but I could see the wind line and was actually happy. In the winter we dread the constant wind, but today it is a blessing.

At ten this morning Marisol-33, Emoly-5 and Eric-3 came by to remind me it was time to go shopping - for cena/supper and for supplies in case of a storm. [This must be what it is like to have a daughter and grandkids!] I took 600 pesos and spent every penny getting frozen treats, chips, chicken, cookies, sodas, canned frijoles/refried beans, canned salsa, carrots, jicama and more. I'm starting to think in Spanish because I'm talking with Marisol so much and she doesn't speak English. Mind you my thinking is very simple, a few words with fewer verbs all in present tense. Above is Emoly's first day in the Jardin del Ninos, where Dylan started school age 3.

This morning I filled as many water containers as I could find and am freezing bottles for the coolers and chilling them in the fridge, which seems to be less cold than it needs to be - perhaps its working too hard.
This is the Buenas Arroyo north of town after it has gone down enough to cross.

I'm still doing laundry for Debbie and Victor Maus [all their towels and bedding] but now it will dry so much faster with the breeze. I guess if and when the storm arrives it will be more than a breeze. It is possible that the worst will miss us and turn inland, but 'quien sabe'/who knows. Did a load of my own laundry so I don't run out of skivvies - though going comando certainly is cooler!

Must go to my neighbour friend' Karen's and put her bed down on blocks. Its leaning against the wall so that I could sweep up the broken glass from 2 windows. Will add it to my list of things to do when its a bit cooler this afternoon. I am going to head upstairs and move as much furniture off the low part of the floor as I can-perhaps into the bathroom which is raised [and has a drain of course]. Wish I could drill a hole in the cement wall for a drain just in case, as I don't relish the idea of bailing for 3-4 hours again!!

Bob has hung a large whale bone from our palapa bar on the garage roof and 'John' left it hanging by one end. It is a potential hazard now as it could smash the palapa in a strong wind, but I will need help getting it down-the knots are secure. The yard is clear of potential projectiles, wheel barrow is turned over so it doesn't collect rain. but needs to be put in a safer spot?? Am taking a wee break to rest my weary back so I'm not totally out of commision when the *#@ the fan.

Early this afternoon I cooked a whole chicken, [yellow like a real farm chicken] and some chicken breasts since my friend Roxanne in Cabo suggested to be sure to have some protien available for when the power goes out. I'm at the point that I don't know which way to turn nor what I've already written. Guess that means I'd best take a real break and get horizontal for a short siesta - after I fold more laundry, or perhaps before-yes, that sounds better.


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