Casa Reilkoff Schraefel

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

2008 A very good year

We were so thrilled to have a nice visit from Nathan Schraefel and his family this past winter. Its hard to believe that Dylan's cousins are having babies.

How did it get to be July of 2008 already? Dylan's hockey season was a success and to prove it he won the 'Most Improved Player' award. However, we were visiting his dad in Mexico in late March so missed the banquet. Our two week vacation south was quite a change this year. Bob had been very busy building brick raised gardens and a new patio extension out the back door. It all looks quite lovely. We had great weather and Dylan caught two very large Yellow Tails. If I get this going I'll post photos.

Back in February I received an invitation to a wedding in Ontario for June so quickly booked a flight just thinking about getting out of Saskatchewan, but of course, even our winter finally ended and June was a good month here. I rented a car and Brendan and I picked up MaryLou and her Aunt Jean and all headed north of Toronto to Mansfield Outdoor Centre for Adam Palmer's wedding. It was so beautiful and wonderful to see all our Hendry family gathered as well as some old Mansfield staff friends.

Toronto was hopping with noisy flag waving Soccer fans and lots of summer activities. I took loads of photos and had a super time visiting with Brendan. He is so very busy that our time was limited. I did get to see my university buddy Caroline Goodfellow a few times and she and I saw one of Brendan's short plays down in the Distillery District.