Casa Reilkoff Schraefel

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Noon - breathing easier but...

About 8 a.m. on my way to Karen's to get a cup of cat food for Felix I met Chuck who said we might have been given a reprieve [not his words, but my translation]. The weather site I'd been checking didn't show that, so I looked up some others and sure enough they show the path of Lane moving east.

It has been so still all morning, not a breath of air, insects, heat and humidity are intense. But I love this place and the comraderie among our neighbours is heartwarming. Oregon Bob came over and had coffee and I made us toast and we sat on the front step where we hoped for better air, but had to bring a small fan outdoors.

Eddie Walker stopped by to ask if I would check at Janet and David Carlow's for mildew on curtains - I took them down so they don't get wet again, but will deal with washing them after I move this humoungous room full of Maus' laundry. They don't look stained, but it won't hurt to wash them. I liberated a standing oscillating fan from a bedroom as we only have one ceiling fan in our great room and small table fans don't move much air. I thought I'd struck gold - so sure hope they don't mind. What are they going to do-smack me from Lake Tahoe?

Rebecca also stopped for a visit on her way into town asking if anyone wanted anything. I needed change which she supplied on the spot and some club soda to mix with juice. Saved me a trip to the store.

This afternoon Marisol and the kids are coming over and Javier 14] will cut more palm branches on our damaged trees, then we will watch Take the Lead with Antonio Banderas. Yaritsa [12] showed me a photo album of her cousin's quinceanero. Yaritz looked like a bridesmade. The dresses were fancier than many weddings-such pomp and ceremony, very beautiful.


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