Casa Reilkoff Schraefel

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What to believe

Striking teachers:
News from Oaxaca isn't as frightening as the fact that our government has issued warnings against travelling there. Why don't we have travel warnings about Edmonton where there were multiple murders this past weekend? If someone was murdered in Kerrobert would you advise your family and friends not to go there? The fact is that this media scare has decimated the economy of an already very poor state in Mexico where the people who depend almost entirely on tourism, couldn't be more kind and friendly - at least that was my experience and continues to be Sally's experience as she continues to live there. My friend Sheril Barker met me at the Salt Lake City airport and wisked me away for supper and a nice visit.

I made it back to Canada late Thursday October 26 and the weather wasn't very welcoming, but family and friends made up for it with their warmth and hospitality. It was great to spend a couple of nights with Bill and Dianna and to see Renessa and Wiley's new house in Airdrie. On Saturday morning I met Alicia at the airport and we taxied down to the Radisson hotel in Calgary where we met Annabelle here from Scotland visiting daughter Shauna and grandson Matthew. After a wonderful brisk walk along the riverbank, lunch at our favourite Vietnamese restaurant and shopping at Manana's where I bought a lovely wool sweater in warm coloured stripes and wooly socks, we had a great home cooked meal at Annabelle's sister Doreen's where two other sisters were gathered - Isabel and Marlene-a Rolheiser reunion. Sunday morning I enjoyed an early breakfast buffet before heading for the airport and Saskatoon where I was met by my sister Cathy. She had lots to tell me about mom's accident and condition and care but had made detailed notes for me. I drove Marj's car back home and Dylan was nowhere in sight until a couple of hours later he returned from the arena. He's been enjoying having mom make meals and snacks though he is quite capable of looking after himself and dad too. Mom continues to improve and do a bit more for herself each day. She insisted she could stay overnight alone, but I figured I could put in a shift or two then too. Clem stayed Sunday night and Adam stayed over Monday night, so last night was my first overnight with her. I'm being a wimp about the cold and snow and using mom's car for running back and forth even the short block - my wee foot problem is my excuse.


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