Casa Reilkoff Schraefel

Monday, November 13, 2006

Remembrance Day at Kerrobert Legion

Would that be the Bow River in Calgary? At the end of October on my way back from Mexico I met up with my long time buddies Alicia from Vancouver and Annabelle who was in town from Scotland visiting her daughter and grandson.

Remembrance Day:
It was a nice ceremony with a special presentation by Bobbi Hebron via computer projected slide show/movie clip with the music 'A Pittance of Time' by Terry Kelly.

Marj continues to improve slowly and manages to wash herself and heat meals in the microwave. She tried sleeping in her bed with the new SaskAbilities pole but found it too painful, so hopefully that step will come in the near future. Meanwhile the automated chair works very well for her though she spends about 23 hours a day in it so gets rather stiff. Some days she has meals from three sources but I fear that one day I will assume she is covered when the fridge might be bare. I try to keep easy to heat meals there for her and the K-40s had their stew supper for seniors and Pete and Bertha brought her enough for four meals-she froze some.

Our living room is slowly taking shape with laminate flooring looking quite spiffy covering about two thirds of it. Now we have to stop and put the ceramic tile on the fireplace hearth. Its only been about four or is it five years since we bought the gas fireplace, but since its worked fine just sitting on plywood that is how it has stayed.


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